Please click the link below to view the sermon message from the 4th Sunday in Lent, Sunday March 27,2022.
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, March 27 – Fourth Sunday in Lent
Is. 12:1–6, Psalm 32, 2 Cor. 5:16–21, Luke 15:1–3, 11–32
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:00 am
Worship 10:30 am
Monday March 28Chancel Mtg. 7 pm
Tuesday March 29Women’s Bible Study 6:00 pm
Wednesday March 30Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am
Women’s Bible Study 10 am
Lent Supper Baked Potato Bar (SS) 5:30 pm
Confirmation Class 5:30 pm
Choir Practice 6:00 pm
Lent Worship 7:00 pm
Thursday March 31
Friday April 1
Saturday April 2
Sunday, April 3 – Fifth Sunday in Lent
Is. 43:16–21, Psalm 126, Phil. 3:(4b–7) 8–14, Luke 20:9–20
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9:00 am
Worship w/Communion 10:30 am
Quarterly Voter’s Mtg. 11:30 am
3/31/2007 Jason & Jennifer Hadenfeldt (15)
3/27 Tab Kilzer
3/28 Jack Hadenfeldt
3/28 Dick Hadenfeldt
3/28 Dorothy Schultz
3/31 Jax Campbell
3/31 Oaklynn Jacobsen
3/31 Rob Schultz
4/1 Justin Bredthauer
4/1 Dwight Jones
Dan Dibbern recovering at home.
Karen Plebanek, Troy Callahan’s Aunt
Karry Jensen, recovering from bypass surgery at home.
JoElla Ruhter rehabbing at home following surgery.
Karen Hadenfeldt recovering at home.
Wilbert Schultz, Ron Schultz’s dad, recovering from surgery.
Steve Dibbern recovering from a fall.
A friend of Tom and Jo Ruhter, recently diagnosed with cancer.
Shirley Adams prayers of thanks on returning home following rehabilitation at Tiffany Square.
Suffering from Cancer
Cheryl Klock, Julie Whitefoot’s Sister
Dawnasie Martin, Marcus Nation Sister
Shirley Adams
Helen Brandt, Beth Ann (ABC) Brandt’s Mother
Gene Pesek, Brother-in-Law Cathy Garrett & Jim Schultz
Vikki Hickock, long time resident of Cairo
Jackie Hetrick, Dennis Bloomquist Sister on hospice
Rex Pressler, cousin of Jim Schultz & Cathy Garrett
Jennifer Barker, Dave & Barb Rasmussen’s niece
Brandie Kral Tom & JoElla Ruhter’s niece.
Tonya Vincent, Brent Gascho’s cousin
SAVE the DATEWeds. Worship – March 9,16,23,30 April 5
HLHS Red/Blue Doniphan Events Ctr. 7pm April 9
Palm Sunday / Confirmation Worship April 10
Maundy Thurs. Worship w/Comm. April 14
Good Friday Worship April 15
Sunday School Easter Extravaganza Sat. April 16
Easter Sunrise Worship w/Comm. April 17
LYF Easter Breakfast Following Sunrise Worship April 17
LWML Spring Mtg. at Burwell Sat. April 23
H.S. Senior Recognition Sunday April 24
Sunday Dinner at the Gathering Place 11 – 1 April 24
Ladies Fellowship BUNCO Sat. 1 – 4 pm April 30
Vacation Bible School May 31- June 3
2022 NE Dist. Convention Kearney June 24/25
2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Houston TX July 9-13
LW ML NE Dist. South Conv., Kearney Sept. 16/17
Donations of Candy & Small Toys for the eggs would be greatly appreciated. They may be placed in the tote by the sanctuary doors.
LWML Spring Planning Meeting – Saturday, April 23, 2022 is the date for the LWML Spring meeting at St. John’s Lutheran Burwell NE. Please contact Lisa Wright if you are interested in going.
Thank You – Lee Echtenkamp would like to thank all those who helped with the Habitat for Humanity Build; Kim Dibbern, Paul Wilhelm, Marcus Nation, Jeff and Jace Campbell, Scott Reynolds and Ion Merriet.
Heartland Lutheran High School NEWS
Mark Your Calendars! – Saturday April 9 is Heartland Lutheran High School’s Red & Blue annual gala held at the Doniphan Events Center. Contact the school office, 308-385-3900, or email office@heartlandlutheran.org for tickets and information on donating items to the silent and live auctions and purchasing sponsorships for the event. HLHS presents – Rodgers & Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA April 1 – 3, 2022; Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m. Tickets available from the school office or at the door: $10 adults, $5 high school students, children 8th grade and younger free with accompanying paid adult.
Lenten & Holy Week Worship Schedule
Weds. March 30 Lent Supper (SS) – 5:30 pm
SS Teachers Baked Potato Bar – Worship (Barabbas) 7:00 pm
Weds April 6 Lent Supper (Bredthauer/Dibbern) – 5:30 pm
Roast Beef, Sweet potatoes, Corn Casserole & Dessert
Lent Worship (Pontius Pilate) 7:00 pm
Palm Sunday – Confirmation April 10 10:30 am
Holy Communion, Confirmation Rite and SS Children procession with Palm Leaves
Maundy Thurs. April 14 Worship (Judas Iscariot) 7:00 pm
With Holy Communion
Good Fri. April 15 Worship (John, the Gospel Writer) 7:00 pm
Easter Sunrise April 17 Worship (Mary Magdalene) 7:00 am
With Holy Communion
LYF Easter Breakfast Immediately Following Worship
Christ Lutheran Church
Cairo, NE
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24