Please click the link below to view Pastor Wright’s Message from the 2nd Sunday in Lent.
Sunday, Feb 28 – 2nd Sun in Lent
Gen. 17:1–7, 15–16, Psalm 22:23–31, Rom. 5:1–11, Mark 8:27–38
Adult Bible Study / Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
SS Coffee Fellowship 10:00 am – Worship 10:30 am
Monday March 1 All Boards Mtg’s TONIGHT Devotions 6:45 pm Individual Board’s 7 pm – M & M 8 pm
Tuesday March 2
Wednesday March 3 Men’s Bible Study 8 am
7/8 Gr. Confirmation Class 5:30 pm
Choir Practice 6 pm
Lent Supper 5:30 pm / Lent Worship 7 pm
Thursday March 4
Friday March 5
Saturday March 6
Sunday, March 7 – 3rd Sun in Lent
Ex. 20:1–17, Psalm 19, 1 Cor. 1:18–31, John 2:13–22 (23–25)
Adult Bible Study / Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Ladies Aid Coffee Fellowship 10:00 am – Worship w/Comm. 10:30 am
Weds Lent Worship 7 pm March 10, 17, 24
Weds Eve. Lenten Suppers 5:30 pm
GI Habitat for Humanity Build Dates March 13 & 27
If you can Volunteer speak with Lee Echtenkamp
HLHS Red/Blue March 27
Confirmation Questioning 6pm & 7 pm Fri. March 26
Rite of Confirmation Service 10:30 am Sat. March 27
Palm Sunday Worship 10:30 am March 28
REMEMBER to Designate your Thrivent Choice $ by March 31
SS Easter Program 7 pm, Pizza Party/Egg Hunt 4 pm April 3
Easter Sunrise Worship 7 am April 4
Vacation Bible School June 1-7
Our 100th Anniversary Celebration July 10 & 11, 2021
Prayers for all those fighting Covid 19
Prayers for Frank Nation, Marcus Nation’s father
Prayers for Dan Dibbern, Daniel has been moved to Madonna Rehab to begin recovery therapies from his hospital stay in Omaha. Thanks for the prayers and continued prayers for his physical and vocal therapies.
Prayers for Pastor Carl Eliason, Peace Lutheran GI following open heart surgery.
Suffering from Cancer
Flora Meester, friend of Catherine Garrett
Cheryl Klock, Julie Whitefoot’s Sister
Jeff Bexten, Former member of CLC
Deb Homolka, Rick Gilbert’s Sister
Lorie Stahl, Ravenna NE.
Dawnasie Martin, Marcus Nation Sister
Larry Jensen
Mar 5 – Ron and Dorothy Schultz (38)
Feb 28 – Morgan Dibbern
Feb 29 – McLain Adams
Mar 3 – Brecklynn Schultz
Mar 6 – Jerry Meyer
Family Picture Time
Lisa Wright will begin taking our Family photos for the 100 Anniversary Book on Sunday Mornings in the LYF room, from 10 – 10:30 a.m. and after church or by appointment if that is what works best. Lisa Wright will be calling to set up appointment times, we are wanting 100% participation so PLEASE let us do this together and make our book amazing.
** IF you are unable to come for a picture please send the church office a picture of those who live in your household.
Is there an Interest for a NURSERY Room in our church?
The Board of Education is looking into setting up a Nursery Room in our Church. They are first seeing if there is an interest in this room and need your input, please let Taryn Wright or Jenny Reynolds know if this is something that you believe would be of use in our church. The NURSERY ROOM would be in use during Sunday School Time 9:00 am – 10 am and also would be used during worship 10:30 am – 11:30 am. There would need to be volunteer staff scheduled to man the room while in use. We would need to look into getting a TV and Audio set up in the room so those using the room would have access to Worship. This is in the beginning stages and would be a great asset to our church, but before the Board of Education can move forward they need to know there is a great interest. Please let Taryn or Jenny know if this is something you would like our church to have.
The Sunday School is asking for donations of Plastic Easter Eggs and Candy for their SS Easter Pizza Party/Egg Hunt. Donations must be here by March 28, they may be left in Taryn’s SS Room or in the Church Office.
Sunday School Easter Program
On Saturday April 3 the children invite you to join them in celebrating the Easter Season with a program called “Because He Lives” at 7:00 p.m. The children have been working on the program during Sunday School music time. Before the program at 4 pm the children will be treated with an Easter Party (Egg Hunt, Game & Pizza Supper).
100th Anniversary Celebration Request
For the church history book, updated history for each organization is needed. A good time to complete this task is during the upcoming ALL BOARDS MTG. scheduled for Monday, March 1st, at 6:45 p.m.
Peg or Lisa will have a copy of the 75th Anniversary history during this meeting time. Please contact one of them if you’re not able to attend. The completion time schedule is April 1st.
We are looking for information from Voter’s Assembly, Ladies Aid, LWML, Quilting Circle, LYF, Sunday School, Moses, Junk Jaunt and anything not mentioned. THANK YOU So very much for your cooperation on this matter.
Christ Lutheran Church
Cairo, NE
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24