Please click the link below to view the 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Worship message.
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, Oct. 16 – 19th Sunday after Pentecost
Gen. 32:22–30, Psalm 1212 Tim. 3:14—4:5, Luke 18:1–8Sunday School or Adult Bible Study 9:00 amCoffee Fellowship (LYF) 10:00 amWorship with Communion 10:30 am
Monday Oct. 17
Tuesday Oct. 18
Women’s Bible Study 6:00 pm
Wednesday Oct. 19
Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am
Women’s Bible Study 10:00 am
7/8 Gr. Confirmation Class 5:30 pm
Choir Practice 6:00 pm
Thursday Oct. 20
Friday Oct. 21
Saturday Oct. 22
LWML GI Zone Fall Rally Christ Cairo
Sunday, Oct. 23 – 20th Sunday after Pentecost
Gen. 4:1–15, Psalm 5
2 Tim. 4:6–8, 16–18, Luke 18:9–17
Sunday School or Adult Bible Study 9:00 am
Coffee Fellowship (Lora/Shey) 10:00 am
Worship with Communion 10:30 am
HLHS Reformation Service 3:00 pm Oct. 30
Ladies Aid Harvest Dinner Fundraiser Sun. Nov. 6
Middle School Youth Gathering Kearney Nov. 12-13
Honoring His Harvest HLHS Fundraiser 5 pm Nov. 13
LWML GI Zone Rally – Christ Cairo
Plan NOW to attend! Sat., October 22, 2022
All Women are invited to attend the LWML GI Zone Rally held here at Christ Lutheran Cairo. 9:00 a.m. – Noon; Registration with coffee and rolls from 8:30- 9:00. “Come over to Madagascar and help us” Acts 16:9b; Guest Speaker Pastor Jeff Kuddes; Box lunches will be available for $7.00
Call/email your reservations to: Lisa Wright 303-506-5471 or
bl234031@msn.com by Monday, Oct. 17th.
Mission Project: To benefit the mission of our Community Food Pantry located in Cairo, we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items, personal hygiene, and paper products.
2022 Nebraska District Middle School Gathering Nov. 12-13, 2022
Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center, Kearney NE. All 6th grade through 8th Grade students are eligible to participate. If you are interested in attending contact Jaci Knuth.
The Honoring His Harvest event at HLHS is Sunday, November 13, with a 5 pm catered dinner and program. Featured speaker is Dr. Bernard Bull, President of Concordia University, Seward, NE.
10/17/2015 Ben & Whitney Dibbern (7)
10/18/1973 Larry & Karry Jensen (49)
10/18 Sam Dibbern
10/18 Calhen Strode
10/19 Sarah Heinen
10/20 Jessica Clough
10/20 Taylor Schultz
10/20 Drew Strode
10/22 Crystal Rasmussen
Dan Dibbern
Karen Plebanek, Troy Callahan’s Aunt
Karry Jensen
Tammy Serr
Tabitha Echtenkamp Lee’s Daughter in Law
Lorraine Kroeger
Karen Hadenfeldt at Tiffany Square
Donna Schultz
Lisa Harders
Luke Treffer, Jerry & Barb Teichmeier’s son in law
Prayers for Todd and Amy Wiese and family.
Todd’s father, Bob Wiese, passed away Weds. Oct.12
Tyron Spatz as he continues to face medical issues.
Suffering from Cancer
Cheryl Klock, Julie Whitefoot’s Sister
Gene Pesek, Brother-in-Law Cathy Garrett & Jim Schultz
Vikki Hickock, long time resident of Cairo
Jackie Hetrick, Dennis Bloomquist Sister
Jennifer Barker, Dave & Barb Rasmussen’s niece
Brandie Kral Tom & JoElla Ruhter’s niece.
Tonya Vincent, Brent Gascho’s cousin
THANK YOU From the Ladies Aid
“Thank You to all our church family who helped to make our Burrito breakfast a success last Sunday morning.
With donations made from the burritos and a lady’s aid match a total of $1000.00 will be made toward our church’s assessment for Heartland Lutheran.”
Christ Lutheran Church
Cairo, NE
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24