Please click the link below to view the Sermon message from this Sunday Oct. 31 Reformation Sunday.
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, Oct. 31 – Reformation Day
Rev. 14:6–7, Psalm 46
Rom. 3:19–28; John 8:31–36 or Matt. 11:12–19
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9 am
LYF – Coffee Fellowship 10:00 am
Worship w/Communion 10:30 am
HLHS Reformation Service 7:00 p.m.
Monday Nov. 1
Women’s Bible Study 6 pm
ABC Board Mtg. 6 pm
All Boards Meeting Night
Devotions 6:45 pm; Individual Boards 7 pm; M & M mtg. 8 pm
Tuesday Nov. 2
Wednesday Nov. 3
Men’s Bible Study 8:00 am
Women’s Bible Study 10 am
7&8 Confirmation 5:30 pm
Choir Practice 6:00 pm
Thursday Nov. 4
Friday Nov. 5
Saturday Nov. 6Cairo Veteran’s Park Dedication 2 pm
Sunday, Nov. 7 – All Saints Day (0bs.)
Rev. 7:(2–8) 9–17 1 John 3:1–3 Matt. 5:1–12
Daylight Savings Time Ends 2:00 a.m.
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 9 am
Comfort Dog – Coffee Fellowship 10:00 am
Happy Birthday Moses!
Worship w/Communion 10:30 am
Ladies Aid Harvest Dinner Fundraiser
**Sunday School Offerings for the 2021/2022 will go towards the Cairo Community Food Pantry. Each Sunday the Children are asked to bring their money offering or a nonperishable food item.
HLHS Blood Drive 8:30 – 2:30 Nov. 9
Middle School Youth Gathering Nov. 13-14
Thanksgiving Eve Worship 7 pm Weds Nov. 24
Pie Fellowship Immediately following Thanksgiving Eve Worship
Weds Advent Worship 7 pm w/Suppers 6 pm Dec. 1, 8 & 15
Christmas Eve Children’s Worship 7 pm Friday Dec. 24
NO Saturday December 25 Worship
Sunday Dec. 26 (observe Christmas Day) Worship 10:30 am
Pastor’s Wives Retreat Peace GI Feb 4/5, 2022
2022 Spring Pastor Conf. Kearney March 14/15, 2022
HLHS Red and Blue Doniphan Events Ctr. April 9, 2022
2022 NE Dist. Convention Kearney June 24/25, 2022
2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Houston TX July 9-13, 2022
LWML NE Dist. South Conv., Kearney Sept. 16/17, 2022
11/2/1985 Gary & Lisa Harders (36)
11/3 Kain Dibbern
11/3 Roger Harders
11/3 Conner Sokol
11/6 Brooks Hadenfeldt
Prayers for Dan Dibbern recovering at home.
Tim Goodman, Rhonda Goodman’s husband will be having back surgery on Nov 4.
Betty Critel at CHI St Francis ICU for and Infection
Suffering from Cancer
Cheryl Klock, Julie Whitefoot’s Sister
Dawnasie Martin, Marcus Nation Sister
Shirley Adams
Spencer Braun, Pastor Brian’s cousin
Helen Brandt, Beth Ann (ABC) Brandt’s Mother
Bill Kerr, Father of Taryn Wright’s Friend
Gene Pesek, Brother-in-Law to Catherine Garrett & Jim Schultz
Vikki Hickock, long time resident of Cairo
Jackie Hetrick, Dennis Bloomquist Sister
Rex Pressler, cousin of Jim Schultz & Cathy Garrett
Pres. Richard Snow
Ladies Aid Harvest Dinner
Join Us Sunday Nov. 7 for the Ladies Aid Harvest Dinner. Stay and enjoy a Ham/Beef Dinner with all the fixings. Free will offering proceeds will go towards the Stained-Glass Window Fund.
Volunteers are needed to serve Suppers before the three Advent Wednesday Evening Worship Services. If you or your organization would like to serve, please write it on the calendar by the kitchen and let the church office know. THANK YOU!
Stained-Glass Window Fundraiser
You have an opportunity to purchase a pane of the stained-glass design through an envelope donation system. Envelopes with donation suggestions have been placed on the standing bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Please take an envelope of the donation desired and place in the offering plate. Some envelopes at the end have no designated amount allowing you to donate a desired amount. Thanks for your donations!!
Heartland Lutheran H.S. NEWS
On Tuesday, November 9th from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm the Heartland Lutheran National Honor Society Students will be hosting a Blood Drive for the Red Cross. Please Contact the HLHS office at 308-385-3900 for a donation time.
Cairo Veterans Park Dedication Ceremony
Nov. 6th, at 2:00 p.m. (1:00 p.m. Patriotic Music) Keynote speaker – NE State Senator Tom Brewer. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will take place in the Cairo Fire Hall.
*To the Sunday School kids who have blessed me with uplifting cards the last couple of weeks in remembrance of Pastoral Appreciation this month. Thank you. Brian Wright, Pastor
**A Huge thank you to everyone supporting our Trunk or Treat table. We got loads of candy! You all are so sweet!
***Thanks so much for helping our youth “GROW”. We raised enough to cover hotel and registration for kids and sponsors to go to the middle school youth gathering! We are so grateful for your support and generosity! Claire, Josie, Aubrey, Rose, Emma, Jace, Eric and Seth and sponsors Reynolds & Knuth’s.
Christ Lutheran Church
Cairo, NE
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24