CLC Weekly Announcements for the week of May 31, 2020 Sunday, May 31 – Pentecost Num. 11:24–30, Psalm 25:1–15 Acts 2:1–21, John 7:37–39 Rite of Confirmation 9:00 a.m. Only Confirmands and their immediate family can attend. Church family may watch through Facebook Live Event. Monday June 1 Tuesday June 2 Wednesday June 3 Thursday June 4 Friday June 5 Saturday June 6 Sunday, June 7 – The Holy Trinity Gen. 1:1—2:4a, Psalm 8 Acts 2:14a, 22–36, Matt. 28:16–2039 Our First in person Worship since March 15 – 10:30 a.m. *Please watch your email for worship CDC safety protocols, to safely attend worship together. **There will be NO Bible Study this Sunday, but it is the hope to continue with ZOOM Bible Studies on June 14. SAVE the DATE M & M Meeting (In Person) Monday – June 15 Father’s Day – June 21 Elder’s Mtg. (In Person) Monday – June 29 GO BIG GIVE – July 7 Our 100th Anniversary Celebration July 10 & 11, 2021 ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK Steven & Cynthia Hansen – May 31, 1975 (45) Jose & Laurie Ocana – June 1, 2002 (18) Larry & Peggy Hadenfeldt – June 2, 1973 (47) Steve & Dana Lemburg – June 3, 1989 (31) BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Steve Schroeder – June 1 Brad Adams – June 2 Troy Grabowski – June 2 Katelyn Bierhaus – June 3 Carly Callahan – June 4 PRAYERS THIS WEEK + Prayers for our newly confimand members, Lily Campbell, Katie Hadenfeldt and Kendal Knuth. + Please keep Carolyn Visser in your prayers, Carolyn suffered a stroke and has been hospitalized in Grand Island at CHI St Francis. + Please keep Keith Dibbern in your prayers, Keith is in the hospital after having a stroke. + Please keep Kristin Schultz in your prayers, Kristin is home recovering for outpatient sinus surgery. + Please keep Cindy Bredthauer in your prayers, Cindy has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and will begin insulin injections. + Prayers for Charles Kemptar, Kristin Schultz’s father, in Lincoln hospital. + Prayers for Pastor Brian’s father, Norman continued healing at home. + Prayers for Kay Budde, continued healing at home. Suffering from Cancer + Flora Meester, friend of Catherine Garrett + Cheryl Klock, Julie Whitefoot’s Sister + Barb Meyer + Jeff Bexten, Former member of CLC + Pat Hughes, Barb Teichmeier’s Sister + Deb Homolka, Rick Gilbert’s Sister + Lorie Stahl, Ravenna NE. Christ Lutheran Church Cairo, NE This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 |